By Jonathan Gardner

Communication breakdown with your lender?

Communication breakdown with your mortgage lender? When homeowners find themselves in mortgage arrears, the path to resolving the issue can be fraught with challenges, especially when communication with lenders breaks down. This article explores cases where homeowners have made sincere offers to get back on track, only to have those offers rejected by lenders.  Common

Communication breakdown with your lender? Read More »

Why do homeowners in mortgage arrears hesitate to seek help?

Why do homeowners in mortgage arrears hesitate to seek help? When facing financial distress and falling behind on mortgage payments, many homeowners choose not to seek support or get in contact with their lenders. This reluctance is often rooted in a complex mix of emotional, psychological and practical factors. First and foremost, fear and anxiety

Why do homeowners in mortgage arrears hesitate to seek help? Read More »

What is considered financial difficulty?

What is considered financial difficulty? Understanding financial difficulty is so important when facing tough times, especially when dealing with institutions like banks or mortgage lenders. According to the UK’s Financial Ombudsman, financial difficulty is a situation where an individual or household is struggling to manage their financial commitments due to changes in their circumstances or

What is considered financial difficulty? Read More »

Home Repossession: Understanding, coping and empowering yourself in tough times. 

Home Repossession: Understanding, coping and empowering yourself in tough times.  In the UK today, many homeowners are experiencing the stress of potential home repossession. While it’s a subject full of legal jargon and economic implications, at its heart, it’s a deeply personal and often distressing experience. If you’re among those with a mortgage finding themselves

Home Repossession: Understanding, coping and empowering yourself in tough times.  Read More »

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